A short post to tip the Finding Sachi website as a useful resource. Takao “Sachi” Sachiko decided to tour Japan for many months and blog about it. She’s a beginner when it comes to cycle touring but launched into this big trip.
The Tour wasn’t easy but the more she rides, the better things go… at least until a scooter accident but she recovers and resumes the Tour.
What’s great is the coverage of all the local food along the way, plus all the photos. Some Japanese dishes are famous around the world of course, travel through Japan means finding all the local dishes and meeting the people who make and serve them, rather than just eating sushi, ramen or dining in a convenience store, or at least not all the time. There are many sources for info on local food but Sachi rides, chomps and blogs her way through a lot of this so it’s a cycling-themed version of it all. And often a nice read.
Her website is https://findingsachi.com and there are some videos on youtube too.
The blog is in reverse and of you want to start at the beginning it’s https://findingsachi.com/day-1-leaving-home-to-kumamoto/
I think I first came across Sachi talking about her trip on the Tokyo Podcast. Here she explains a bit more about her travels in the interview.
Finding Sachi is a bit of an old blog now, it’s not got the slick style of today’s instagram posts but it’s a gold mine of information if you want to learn about local food.